Monday, May 14, 2007

Hangin' with my ladies...

What a busy weekend! I went back to East TN to visit family. Sorry, but no pic's to share this week. I forgot my camera.

The drive there was beautiful. It's always nice to see the trees & mountain views.

My cousin (who's always been like a sister) just had twin girls. It was so exciting to see them on Saturday. I've been around plenty of newborns, but I always forget how small and cute they are.

I also took my grandmother & great grandmother out for dinner on Saturday. We always have a good time and they're definitely entertaining. My great-gram is about to be 91 and she still has such a funny sense of humor. She had a setback last year when she broke her hip--as older people tend to do--but she's recovered much better than I expected. Girlfriend can zip around with her walker.

Sunday was another good day. I always stay with my grandmother when in Athens, so after she got home from church, we went out to lunch before I headed back to the 'ville.

The drive back was again beautiful and gave me plenty of time to listen to cd's and look like a fool singing while driving. I started out with Mika, switched to Trisha Yearwood--who is another young/old country favorite of mine--and then magic happened as I entered Rutherford County (where I lived while in college).

I was getting another CD when Trisha ran out--and what should happen? Out of the CD case for another artist... fell out another artists' album... Poe's 'Hello'... It was poetic justice since that is where I first listened to that cd...and I honestly had forgotten that I had the CD. I have the MTSU Chi-O girls to thank for getting me hooked on that album. Strangely enough, I dont think she had a very big follow-up, but it was good times/memories.

To backtrack a bit and sum up a great weekend with my favorite ladies, as my grandmother and I left the restaurant on Sunday and parted ways.... a Loretta Lynn song was playing... I kid you not!!!! I couldnt make up something more perfect.


Josh Middleton said...

Sweet story, Gurl. You are so fortunate to still have a great-grandmother to lunch with! That has to be pretty rare. I knew both of my great-grandmothers too but they died a few years back. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Oh, angry Johnny!! You better hush. Hahahaha. Hello hello? Remember when emily used to change it something dirty towards Franklin???? Those were the days.

Poe was whacked.