Monday, January 14, 2008

Kicking off a year -long celebration!!!

Well, I'm not, but guess who is??? Yep, The Smurfs!!! I saw a story about it on BBC America world news earlier tonight and had to check it out online.

If you never saw my room growing up in the mid 80's, you may not know that I was a H-U-G-E Smurf fan (obviously based off the cartoon series). I had Smurf curtains, bed sheets, comforter and tons of other memorabilia on the walls & stuffed Smurfs. Of course I had Smurf underoos too! :) It was a darn Smurfy existence. I was thrilled when mascot-type Smurfs visited the local Hardee's to promote their line of Smurf glasses. (Dont tell me you didnt have the whole set in your house either, ok??)

One of my best friends (and sometimes blog reader) growing up had a Smurf themed b-day party in Kindergarten. I remember coming back from lunch (or maybe waking up from a nap ) to find the invitation on my desk. I seriously believed that a real Smurf dropped it off. I guess that shows what Kingergarten tots know.

One of my favorite childhood memories is that every week or so, I got to go to the local toy store and pick out a new Smurf (the mini rubber type figure)... if I had been on my best behavior for the week. Needless to say, with a carrot like that dangling in front of me, I made a point to go to the toy store almost every week. It was an independent retailer where they actually knew their customers & knew what I wanted when my mom brought me in the store. It was always a big decision for me. I ended up with multiple versions of Smurfette... go figure!!! I still have quite a few of them.

If you want to read more (and I know you all do), Click Here for a link to the real story.

One more parting comment, Smurfette did rule the mushroom village, but I'll also admit that I heart Vanity Smurf as well :)


Josh Middleton said...

This is cute, Gurl. and you are right on the money - I had the whole set of smurf glasses too! Ha!

BartLennon said...

What a smurfy post!

Dusty Brown said...

Wow! I was gonna mention the Hardees visit, but you already did, so I'll mention the Athens, TN, Smurf-blue cop cars! Boo-yah! I always love that story! And bless your mama's heart...that makes me kinda sad! but hey, at least you know it was fate that one of the straight chics that you put the mac down on when you were 'trying' went as Smurfette to Halloween the fall bafore you met her!! LOL

Josh Middleton said...

Gurl, I just wanted to stop by this post again and mention that I saw on "The View" this morning that your beloved Smurfs turned 50 today! Thought of you and had to say something. Have a smurfy birthday!

Anonymous said...

I love love love this post. I was the BIGGEST Smurf fan ever. But you know that. I had a full set myself. I still have them in a shoebox in my cedar chest I will never part with my Smurfs. That was good shit on TV. Good Times, Good Times. I have such fond memories of us growing up. I laughed out loud the other day I was thinking about you and I and Andre in 1st grade when I poured that glue in your hair. You know it really was innocent I think I was trying to show you it was empty. I got in sooo much trouble I can even see the bottle it wasn't Elmers it had a purple lid. You were always such a great friend. I am going to try to come to Nashville soon I hope maybe we can try to get together and eat at one of the fabulous resturants. Always....Joy

Casey said...

Of course I knew you were a Smurfy friend, Joy... and I'm sure you knew I was talking about your B-day party.

I'll never forget that damn glue... lol... getting my head washed in a classroom sink & dried by those sandpaper like brown towels!

Anonymous said...

IMLAO.....That cracks me up. I will have to again offer you my deepest apologizes...You remember I got a paddling for it. have a Smurfy day. Your Pal, Joy