The truth is...I cant freaking get that song out of my head... every time I thing about going to Buenos Aires.
Well, today it is on my mind even more. I confirmed our reservation today! The date is set. We'll be down there in November (spring for them)... and it's the Gay Pride event the same weekend...coincidence??? not exactly, we were planning on going in November, but when I saw that event the first Saturday of November, that made for an easy decision.
We'll be staying in the Recoleta neighborhood... which they say is the 'toniest' 'hood in the city. I found a loft apartment to rent for the week...we are forgoing a hotel and plan to live like a fabulous local. The apartment looks amazing (it's through a very reputable company...I checked after some initial apprehension). I'll definitely share a video clip once I'm actually there.
Even better (here comes the Evita reference)... we'll be able to see Recoleta Cemetary from the rooftop of our building!!!... in case you dont know... Eva Peron is buried there... yep, Evita.
It sounds weird to be excited about proximity to a cemetary, but it's a really big deal there.
....The truth is I never left you....
..all through my wild days, my mad existence, I kept my promise now keep your distance....
Did I get that right?? Buenos Aires will be so so so awesome. I can't wait to see pictures and chatty bloooooogs!
Pretty close, Whit...but
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance...
ooohhhhh..... my version was the diva version!
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