Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Time

Wow, I've been an infrequent blogger recently. A two-week break, yikes!!!

I guess that's an indication that there isnt much to say, you think?

I hope you've all been having fun!

I'll say that we really have been low key here on Colorado Ave... a couple of weeks ago, we had a weekend guest. We entertained Molly, our friends Boston Terrier, for a couple of nights. She's such a sweet dog, and it was fun to have a furry friend.

I've been happy about the Titans despite a loss this past weekend... honestly, I never thought they would be 10-0, so getting that milestone was enough. Let's just hope that they crush the Detroit Lions on Thursday.

Speaking of Thursday, I'm really looking forward to it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I enjoy it b/c it is just food... and you dont have to deal with that the gifts & what not. I'm going to visit my family in East TN for a few days, so it's always nice to hang out with everyone there.

I'm rambling and dont really have anything else to say now, so I'll wrap it up.

Enjoy your turkey--or meatless alternative!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Mania

Hey, y'all. If you are reading this the day I posted, Happy Election Day!!!

I know which way I want the results to fall, but at any rate, I'm just glad that there is no more campaigning after today. Two years has been quite enough.

It's been about two weeks since I've blogged I think. Oops!!!

A brief catch-up though: I've been to a few hockey games, watched some Titans games (who remain undefeated!) and saw a Broadway show.

Last Thursday evening, Hal & I went to see Avenue Q. I had been dying to see this show for a really long time. It premiered the same Tony award season as Wicked and won a ton of awards. The show didnt disappoint either. It was very fun, and we had a fantastic time.

That's really about all there is to report (in a nutshell) for now. Hope you all have a great rest of the week.