Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend scoop

Well, I guess you know the weekend is over by now. I had a great one and hope you did too.

Hal & I chilled out on Friday night(aside from going out to dinner) and I had a chance to do one of my favorite things--sleep late on Saturday. Then I got myself up and headed to East TN. I always go over Memorial Day weekend b/c it is Homecoming/Decoration Day at the church I grew up in. My mom & paternal grandparents are buried there and it's a time to put new flowers on their graves and visit with a lot of people you don't normally see. It may sound odd to some of you, but I guess it's just an old southern tradition.

Since I was just there 2 weeks ago, I didn't stay around long and headed hom on Sunday to enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. We chilled out again that night and headed to Whole Foods on Monday to pick out some food for a grill out. I haven't been there too many times (it's still kinda new to Nashville), but they have some awesome stuff. I think I could eat 80 of those little cakes in their dessert counter. I heart cake, but stayed away from them.

Sadly, Tuesday rolled around and it was time to get back get back to work. I do like my job, but also enjoy my time off. I was ecstatic to check my personal emails and see an email about presales to 'Wicked.' I've been wanting to see this show for a couple of years. I'm so excited it's coming here!!! I got our tickets tonight. Why wait?

Back to the purpose of the holiday weekend though, it was nice to reflect on our troops--past & present. I think we should think about them everyday, but I know a lot of us take it for granted. I don't personally know anyone in the service currently. Some of my friend's parents and grandparents were in the service. My great-grandfather was in WWII, but he died when my mom was a baby. I was very happy to get some of his military papers recently though. It was interesting to get a peek into his life that I didn't really know about. Salute to anyone who serves our country in tough times!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Wrap

Hey, hey, hey. I hope you're all enjoying some nice May weather. I'm glad we're past that point of all the cold stuff.

I also hope you all had a good Mother's Day weekend. I know a few people who are new moms, and I'm sure that must be a great feeling.

I did enjoy my weekend. I headed to the hills of East TN to visit family. My cousin, who I spent a lot of time with growing up,has two adorable twin girls. They had their 2nd bday party on Saturday. I don't think they cared about the party much, they'd rather run around, but it's fun to see them. I also took my ladies (my grandmother & great-grandmother) out for lunch on Sunday. It's always fun spending time with them. Even though it's been 19 years since I lost my mom, I'm so thankful I can spend time with them. They make me laugh.

It's back to work as normal though this week. I'm looking forward to a weekend at home before I get back to East TN over Memorial Day weekend. It's kind of unusual for me to be there 3 times in such a short time frame, but so be it.

I'm going to wrap this up now. Keep it cool!