Monday, July 23, 2007

Rush, Rush... hurry, hurry

I freaking love Paula Abdul... crazy, drunk/drugged...who cares?...She's very entertaining. I've been a fan since back in the days when I saw cheerleaders at my school do halftime routines to her song... nice... lol

We were at the grocery tonight...and her song Rush came on... I havent heard that in a long time...and was so distracted that I couldnt concentrate on what I needed until the song was over. My apologies if I held up you up in the aisle with my cart while I was lip singing (get off my back, even Brittney & Madonna do it). Sometimes, you just gotta stop and smell the roses. I almost said the Paula...but that doesnt sound nice.

Anyway, my weekend was delightful. Waking up from the Friday night celebratory dinner was relatively easy... I did some b.s. errands...

and later in the evening...we went Bowling! I'm not so good at it, but it is something I enjoy a few times a year. I got progressively worse... starting out with a score in the 120's...and dropping on average 20 points the next two games. It's all about fun anyway, right???

Nothing too remarkable the rest of the weekend... we chilled out at my sister-un-law's pool on Sunday (get it, gay marriage isnt lawful?)... that's always fun...and enjoyed one of my favorite summer reality shows... Big's crazy how addictive that show is to me...but I'm easy :)

1 comment:

Josh Middleton said...

We've been addicted to Big Brother too, Gurl! I've never watched it before this season, but decided to give it a try after all the hype. I'm loving the Evil Dick/Danielle alliance! We need to be on this show!