Monday, July 23, 2007

Tammy Faye

I blogged about her briefly after seeing the Larry King Live appearance Thursday...but on Saturday, I was still sad to hear that she had died. I'm sure she is in a better place.

The NPR show Fresh Air reminded me of this interview today... if you have time, (it's a little less than 10 minutes). If you want to delve further, there are more indepth and side interviews about her.

While I still disagree with Tammy about the "gay lifestyle," I still appreciate her approachability (is that a word?).


Josh Middleton said...

I thought Tammy Faye supported gays, Gurl?

Casey said...

Tammy Faye didnt "judge" gays... She made comments something about not judging some sins as worse than others... and being gay isnt a sin... so there ya go.

Tammy Faye was very accepting of gay people though, so I appreciate that and the fact that she was an advocate for HIV patients when it wasnt cool.