Sunday, September 30, 2007

TV Overload (part deux)

We caught up on the tv shows we had on DVR this weekend.

I mostly enjoy 30 minute sitcoms (most of you know I have a short attention span)... but also enjoy some hour long dramas from time to time.

I watched Dirty Sexy Money... it's really more of a comedy...but I was somewhat entertained... we'll see how entertained I'll be when the newness wears off.

Desperate Housewives is back. I had recorded a recap episode last week and watched that today. I had forgotten so much about that show. I missed a lot of last season...I kind of got to a busy & dont really care point about that show. I still enjoy several actors (women) on that show, so I'm going to give it another go.

Brothers & Sisters is back and I was totally excited about that. They didnt disappoint. The show is a great mix of comedy & drama... Sally Field as the lead actress always ensures that there is likely to be a good cry at some point in the show. LOVE this show.

A new show I'm definitely interested in is Cane on CBS. It's an hour long drama that is reminiscent of Dallas... so I'm all in on that... OK? hehe... Seriously, it does remind me of an updated Dallas... competing families... the evil family having a daughter that sleeps with the enemy (yeah, I'm talking to you Victoria Principal/Pamela Barnes Ewing).

Who the frig am I kidding... I wanted to be a Ewing back in the day... maybe thats why I want to watch an updated Dallas???


Anonymous said...

I was also a big fan of Dallas and Dynasty. Those shows were the shit especially for their time. One show you might want to check out is Weeds on SHowtime. It is so crazy it cracks me up. Go to the showtime website and get filled in. I think you will like. Brothers and Sisters is my favorite new show from last year. Take care....Joy

Casey said...

Dynasty was fabulous indeed!

I'm certain I would like Weeds. I really like Mary Louise Parker... and the concept of the show sounds great... I dont get Showtime though & cant commit to sitting down to watching the DVD's. I still havent watched the Entourage DVD's I have.