Sunday, December 16, 2007

An apology & more

Hey, y'all... so sorry I've been bad about posting new blogs recently. I've been really busy and havent really taken time to blog... frig... this is the first year in about 6 that I didnt even get around to sending Christmas Cards... I feel horrible.

Anyway, I'm in Fort Worth, TX this week for work. Hopefully I will have a better week than last week and have time to blog...

I did read about a website that is going to be a new favorite for me though & thought I would share it with all of you. It's hilarious... this guy takes photos of regular people...and morphs/photoshops celebrity faces on there...


1 comment:

Josh Middleton said...

Hey Gurl! Have fun in Ft. Worth. I hope this week will be better for ya. Those pictures are hilarious on that website!!!! I'm just waiting for a Whitney and Mimi!

Love ya!